Sunday, October 26, 2008

Law of Celestial Justice

In one of my visits to Ahmedabad, not long ago, when I was staying at Prof. Sunil Handa's house and engaged in a lively discussion with him, there concept of celestial justice system came. He very beautiful named the Indian way of thinking that good deeds are rewarded and bad ones are punished, and there exists a justice system that keeps a count - beyond the earthly routes to justice available. I like this idea, and can live with it, and it doesnt give me the same questions as the concept of "God" in general does. Having said that , I met one gentleman who just six months ago had a market capitalization of 10,000 crores, and could see no harm his way. He looked invincible in the face of every challenge, and couldnt expect any threat from any quarters. And today he cant expect any help from any quarters. The world has given way and he is owing the world today a lot of money...what makes such upheavels - who makes Princes out of paupers and paupers out of priinces - is there really somebody up there who is pulling our threads ?
On the financial side - the lessons are - a. may be leverage is not such a good thing b. going public or not is something that has to be thought much more seriously by the company as this market has shown. The best of companies dont control their destiny any more.

1 comment:

Prashant said...

Celestial justice, the idea sounds tempting and if you go by the basic capitalistic dictum, "Everybody gets what they deserve". Of course, it is infinitely more convenient to philosophize and rationalize as long as these vagaries of time are not smacking you in the face.

The best policy, as you say, is, take it easy, enjoy the current time and space and keep aspirations & the fighting spirit intact.